My eTwinning projects

Digital fairytales seen in a social - cultural context
It was my first eTwinning project, so I'm proud of it the most. I had wonderful project partners from Greece. Each project team chose 3 local tales, translated them to English, made drawings and recorded the tales. Then the students made PowerPoint presentations of the stories. We listened to Greek stories in class. The final step was the comparison of the tales from Greece and Poland on a social and cultural level. We used emails and TwinSpace to communicate and to present the results of the project. Unfortunately, the old TwinSpace is no longer available.
The project was awarded with both National and European Quality Labels.
School and free time
We made this project with a partner school from Slovakia (two other partners have left the project at the beginning). The topic was simple yet interesting for my students. They could talk to their new friends from Slovakia and compare their school life and free time activities. The students compared their timetables, subjects, free time and afterschool activities. They even made a survey about free time. We communicated via TwinSpace and emails.
You can see the results here:
The project was awarded with National Quality Label in Slovakia, but not in Poland.
Intercultural dialogue through fairy tales, drama and art
It has been my most successful project so far. It was a huge project. Students and teachers from 35 schools, each located in different European country, collaborated in order to become familiar with the different
cultures of each partner school’s home country through the use of fairy
tales, drama and the arts. Each school chose a national fairy tale, translated it to English and made drawings. We created an e-book called "Once upon a time in Europe" with all the tales.
We watched other videos and discussed them in class.
Project TwinSpace:
Project wiki:
The project was awarded with National and European Quality Labels.
In March 2013 it was awarded with eTwinning Prize 2013: Mevlana Prize for Intercultural Understanding (sponsored by the eTwinning National Support Service in Turkey).
2011, 2012
Teach me your language
It's another project we made with a partner school from Slovakia. We communicated in English to teach each other our national languages. We found out that Slovak and Polish are quite similar. It was fun to prepare lessons of our national language and to learn another foreign language. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to prepare all the lessons we had planned.
Project TwinSpace:
Europe - so many faces
Once again we worked with a big international team from 2010. In this project we learned about different cultures through food and geography. We created two e-books, European Cookery Book and European Guide Book. We also made cooking shows, short instructional videos with national recipes.
At schools we prepared dishes from partner countires. They were delicious!
Project TwinSpace: Project wiki:
The project was awarded with National and European Quality Labels.
Across the Baltic Sea
The project was founded during PDW in Tallinn,
Estonia by three schools from Estonia, Poland and Sweden. After the Swedish
partner left the project right at the beginning, there were only two schools.
The aim of the project was to combine sharing cultural knowledge and practicing
coding skills. At first Estonian and Polish students discovered that they only
had some general associations with the partner’s country. Each school prepared
a national quiz online to encourage the partner school to find out more about the
other country. Then they made games and animations in Scratch about different
cultural and geographical aspects of the partner’s country. To sum up the
project the students prepared a Prezi presentation together.
The project was awarded with National and European Quality Labels.
Water - save it to have it!
Pupils from Germany, Greece and Poland discover the meaning of water in everyday life and their cultures. They do a small research project on how people use water. They want to find out how to prevent water pollution and waste.
Through autumn, winter and spring students were looking for geometrical shapes in nature. They learned outside the classroom taking photos. They shared them with each other on TwinSpace, imported them to GeoGebra to show geometrical shapes and put the scale on the GeoGebra worksheets. In international groups they created sets of worksheets with Maths exercises for every season except summer and they did the exerises in their school. They also created multilinual Maths dictionary with audio files.
Project TwinSpace: project was awarded with National and European Quality Labels.
Me, my Friends and my Family!
6 to 8 year old students worked together to compare family life in different European countries. They sent to each other pictures and paper leaves via traditional mail. Each school built the eTwinning friendship tree.
Project TwinSpace: project was awarded with National and European Quality Labels.
Minecraft World
is a game with a great educational potential. In this project four school created a virtual world. At first we wanted the students to build schools in our world, but it turned out they are so creative that they built their houses, an amusment park or shopping centres. They also adjusted the virtual world to current season. When it was snowing outside, there was also snowing in our Minecraft world. In spring flowers bloomed all around. We also celebrated holidays on the server, e.g. Christmas. The students made both national and international friends. They even taught their teachers how to use Minecraft.
Project TwinSpace:
The project was awarded with National Quality Label.
Thank you very much for posting your etwinning projects. I am an absolute beginner at etwinning -starting my first project next month- and I am a bit worried about ... everything. Your posts and ideas are very much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry! eTwinning community is great and your projects will be fantastic!