Spot the difference

by September 20, 2017 2 komentarze

Last year I changed my classroom arrangement, so my students could easily work in pairs and in groups. At first some of them didn't like it, and their behaviour was disruptive but I was persistent. I wanted them to talk in English, so I tried to prepare attractive speaking activities for almost each lesson.

This speaking activity was inspired by my post "What's in your fridge?" from 2015. This time I gave my students ready-made cards. They were divided into groups of four and each group was divided into two pairs. Each pair was given a picture of a fridge but there were some differences in the content of fridges. The task was to ask and answer some questions, such as "Are there any apples in your fridge?" to find out the differences.
You can download and print my fridges here:
1) front:

2) back:

You can use it to practice different grammar structures: to have got, there is/there are, some/any etc.
Do you have any other ideas how to use my printable fridges? Please, share them in the comments.


EFL teacher

I love teaching, I love eTwinning.



  1. Great job! This is what I was looking for!

  2. This is brilliant, thank you!
    I just can't seem to download it and have only been able to print a tiny version of it! But I'll use it anyway. Thanks again.
